Online Education Ads? Copy the Best!

Analyzing your competitors’ ad campaigns will undoubtedly uncover opportunities for you to outperform them in advertising online education products.

Do we have your attention yet?

Performing an analysis of your competitors’ ads actually helps you target your audience in a smarter, more effective way.

How so?

1. It reveals the kind of content that the audience consumes from these brands.

2. It reveals what it is about the content in particular that resonates with the audience.

Having this kind of information ensures that your products and offers meet the demands of your niche as well. 


How else are you supposed to stay competitive if not by performing at least at the same level as similar brands in your niche? 

And how else are you supposed to perform at least at the same level unless you’ve done the work to see what they are doing to convert their prospects?

No need to speculate on the tactics. What you need is the time to thoroughly research your competitors and the commitment to then let your decision-making for your ad campaigns be led by the data you found.

Scroll Meta Ad Library for Online Education Ads

Hop on to Meta Ad Library to find brands within your niche and examine and compare elements from their ads – visuals, copy, CTA. At a single glance, you can gather a lot about their strategy and how they are going about getting the attention of their (and your) target audience.

The point here is to make notes of things you can implement for your own campaigns immediately. No need to be sitting around for hours scrolling for a foolproof ad format. Instead jot down the little things that catch your eye. 

Do they catch your eye because you know you might have overlooked them in your approach with past campaigns? Only you would know. Write it down.

And if you feel like even still it’s too much work and too much time you need to commit to this, try thinking of it all this way: these competitor brands running these ads are already saving you tons of research since they have already most likely tested a bunch of concepts and variations. 

That’s time, budget and creative production you have been spared. 


Review Competitor Ads to Learn Advertising Online Education Patterns

So what exactly are you looking for when you’re reviewing all these ads for advertising online education? 

At best – patterns.

At worst – something that sticks out to you as interesting from your assumed position of an ad viewer.

Focus on these points: 

→ the main message of the ad

→ the benefits or problems the ad draws attention to

→ the angle of the creative the ad uses

These should keep you on track.

Winning Ad Hooks 

Take notes on what captured your attention in these ads for advertising online education. 

Was it their intended hook or did something else do it for you? Could it have been done better, if only a little, and what will it take for you to work with that kind of hook in your own campaigns?

As the hook is an integral part of your ads, your hook research is not to be neglected. It’s the first impression the viewers have to get a feel of your brand and it’s usually only 3 – 5 seconds long.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that these 3 – 5 seconds alone can decide the performance of your whole ad and campaign, so are any of your competitors running ads with especially captivating hooks? 

What audio-visual combinations do they use? Do they include text overlays? And perhaps most importantly: what are you feeling as you’re engaging with these first few seconds of the ad?

Really take your time to study the way in which the visuals used for the ads are intended to appeal to the target audience. 


So, for instance, note if the ad has a person address the camera directly, if there are lingering product shots or previews, if there’s use of green screen at all, if the text fonts are the brand’s or if they are simply platform specific. 

These are all choices that when combined shape out the viewers’ first impression of the ad and so it’s important for you to be highly attentive to these details.

Your Competitors’ Pacing and Sync

How quickly do your competitors’ ads move? Obviously this is something that’s tied to the preferences of your target audience. 

Younger generations who were born with social media content all around them respond better to quick and snappy shots and rhythms. They have been conditioned to absorb information that is delivered fast, is easily digestible and only takes a few seconds to get through. 

On the contrary, older generations will be more attracted to a slower pace and content that lingers and breaks down the points of the messaging.

If it so happens that with your campaign you want to build fruitful relationships with both such audiences, you have to create suitable variations of your ad to appeal to each. 


Examine the pacing of your competitors’ ads carefully. Is the audio in perfect sync with the visuals or are there any intentional slight delays designed to create intrigue and encourage the viewers to watch again? 

Also, take note of just how many points the ad script covers and determine if it would be worth it for you to cover more ground in your campaign or stick to the formula you’ve observed.


Make sure that all these little elements you’re seeing in these competitor ads actually make sense for you to use in advertising your online education products. 

Just because you’ve noted several things that intrigued you, doesn’t mean you have to make use of all of them at once, or at all. Conduct a critical analysis to determine which elements will truly enhance your campaign performance.

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