Steal This Video Ad Template For Your Online Course

We’re finally sharing (and walking you through) one of our winning video ad templates!

What makes this one such a valuable asset, you ask?

✔️strategic script 

✔️adaptability across platforms 

✔️alignment with user expectations 

Sounds like a winner to us.

Why This Video Ad Template Works

Its Direct Response Format

The direct response format is a game changer because it compels viewers to take immediate action – could be signing up for your course, could be clicking a link to learn more.

This specific format maximizes the effectiveness of your ad in driving conversions by creating a sense of urgency and prompting a specific response.

Hooks with Desired Outcomes

Showcase the desired outcomes of taking the course right at the beginning of your ad to capture the viewer’s attention and tap into their aspirations. 

Such a hook draws the viewer in by demonstrating the benefits they can expect to achieve, which encourages them to continue watching to learn more.

Resonates with Audience by Highlighting Pain Points

Addressing the pain points or challenges the target audience is facing establishes a strong emotional connection. 

By acknowledging and empathizing with the audience’s struggles, your ad demonstrates that it understands their needs and offers a solution, making it highly reliable and compelling.

Positions You as the Expert, Building Trust and Credibility

Present yourself as an expert in the field to establish credibility and trust with your audience.

Use your ad video to showcase your knowledge, experience and authority so that you can instill confidence in your viewers that you are a reliable source of information and someone worth learning from.

Builds Interest toward Your Course & Differentiates You from Competitors 

By highlighting your unique methodology or approach of your course, your ad creates a sense of exclusivity and differentiation.

It emphasizes the value proposition of your course and sets it apart from competitors, making it more desirable and compelling to potential learners.

Short and to the Point

Keep the ad short and concise to hold your viewers’ attention. 

An ad that’s to the point ensures the key messages are delivered effectively without overwhelming or losing the audience’s interest, maximizing engagement and retention.

Clear CTA

Use a clear and compelling CTA to direct the viewer to the next steps to take after watching the ad. 

Whether it’s signing up for your course or visiting your website, a strong CTA ensures that the viewer knows exactly what action to take, facilitating conversions and driving results.


Your Winning Video Ad Script Components

Check out our strategically structured ad script and use it to ensure you deliver a compelling video ad.

Would you love to [desired outcome?]

This opening question immediately engages your viewers by tapping into their desires. 

Prompting them to consider a desirable outcome captures their attention and encourages them to continue watching to learn more.

But you are struggling [biggest challenges]

Introducing your viewers’ biggest challenges or pain points creates a sense of empathy and relatability. 

It acknowledges your audience’s struggles and sets the stage for presenting the solution offered by your course.

I know how it feels [biggest disappointments]

Empathize with your viewers so you can further establish a connection and understanding of their experiences. 

This reinforces the sense that you understand their needs and can provide meaningful solutions.

Hey, I’m [introduce yourself & experience]

Introducing yourself and sharing your relevant experience helps you build trust and credibility with your potential learners. 

It gives context to why they should listen to you and highlights your qualification as an instructor.

My aim is [what you help your students achieve]

Clearly state what you help your students achieve so that you set expectations and demonstrate the value proposition of your course. 

As a result, you highlight the benefits of taking your course and give your audience a compelling reason to continue watching.


In my [your course name], I show you [your methodology] that has [your results/ proof]

Outline the unique methodology or approach of your course and provide evidence of its effectiveness. 

Showcasing tangible results or proof helps you build credibility and reinforces the value of your course.

Inside I show you everything you need to know, [top things you show them]

Offering a glimpse into the content of your course piques the viewer’s curiosity and gives them a preview of what they can expect. 

You create anticipation and set the stage for highlighting the specific benefits of enrolling in the course.

I love helping students [biggest student benefits from taking course]  

Express your genuine enthusiasm for helping your learners to reinforce your commitment to their successful learning experience. 

Emphasize the benefits and positive outcomes that they can expect from taking your course, further motivating them to enroll.


So click now to get access to the [course name]

Use a clear and direct call to action to prompt the viewers to take immediate action. 

By providing a specific instruction and incentive to click it, you encourage conversions and engagement with your course.

I can’t wait to see you there!

End your video with a friendly and welcoming message, adding a personal touch and reinforcing your excitement about welcoming new learners. 

It leaves your viewers with a positive impression and encourages them to take the next step.

Signing off with your name reinforces your identity as the course creator and instructor. It helps you humanize the message and create a connection with your audience.

How To Create the Video for Your Ad

Record Yourself with the Script and Add B-Rolls in

Personal Connection

In an ad, establishing a personal connection with your audience can be highly effective in capturing attention and building trust. Seeing your face and hearing your voice can achieve this.


Authenticity is essential in ads to resonate with viewers. Recording yourself speaking directly to your audience can convey sincerity and authenticity, which can be compelling for potential students.

Expertise Demonstration

Your ad aims to establish you as an expert in your field. Recording yourself speaking allows you to showcase your expertise through your demeanor, confidence and knowledge.

Use Only B-Rolls and Text Overlays

Visual Appeal

Visuals play a significant role in grabbing attention. B-roll footage and text overlays can create visually striking content that quickly captures attention as viewers scroll through their feeds.


Using only B-roll footage and text overlays may be quicker and more cost-effective to produce than recording yourself speaking. This can be convenient to you if you have limited time or resources.


Visual and text overlays allow for flexibility in conveying the key messages of the ad. You can experiment with different visual styles and messaging to see what resonates best with your target audience.

Where To Deploy Your Winning Video Ads


Users on Facebook engage with a mix of content, including videos, images and text posts, often in a more relaxed browsing.

The personal connection established by recording yourself with the script can resonate well with these users who value authenticity and genuine interactions.

Adding B-roll footage and text overlays makes for visually engaging content that can capture people’s attention in their busy feeds.

Your ad’s clear CTA will prompt users to take action directly within the Facebook platform, whether it’s clicking through to learn more or signing up for your course.


Visual aesthetics and storytelling are key on Instagram, with users expecting high-quality and engaging content.

The visually appealing nature of the ad template we’ve shared, particularly if using B-roll footage and text overlays, aligns well with Instagram’s focus on aesthetics.

Instagram offers ad placements in users’ feeds and as stories. So your ads appear organically alongside other content, maximizing visibility and engagement potential.


Users on YouTube are accustomed to watching longer form content and are often willing to engage with ads that offer value or entertainment.

YouTube offers pre-roll and mid-roll ad placements, allowing you to reach users before or during relevant videos. These placements ensure your ads are seen by engaged users interested in similar content.

A video featuring you, the course creator, speaking directly to the audience, showing your expertise and providing valuable insights aligns with the educational nature of many YouTube channels looking to share skill building and information. 


TikTok users can engage with a wide range of content, including challenges, lip-syncing videos and educational content.

To perform well on TikTok, you can deploy short, attention-grabbing video ads. 

Our ad template’s use of B-roll footage and concise messaging suits the creative and visually appealing nature of content on TikTok, allowing your ad to blend in seamlessly with user-generated content (UGC).

Leverage trends, challenges or popular hashtags to help increase your ad’s visibility and engagement, encouraging users to interact with your content and take action.


Our winning video ad template is a powerful tool for course creators like yourself looking to elevate their online course marketing efforts. Use it to effectively engage, inform and inspire your next students.

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